05 Apr Murph Challenge 2o24

Salt Lake City Fire Department is proud to be hosting MURPH at our department Training Grounds on Memorial Day!
MURPH is a test of strength, endurance and resiliency and consists of the following:
1 mile run
100 Pull-Ups
200 Push-Ups
300 Air Squats
1 mile run
To be completed with a 20lb weight vest if you have one
Scaling Options will be provided for the pullups
Rings Rows
Jumping Pull Ups
However MURPH is more than a test it is a tribute. A tribute to Michael Murphy and his selfless act to place himself in mortal danger for his SEAL team. It is also a tribute to the human spirit and our resilient efforts to continue in the face of great challenges.
Join us in this great challenge by filling out the form below!
This is a family and community friendly event!
Fire Trucks
Food Trucks
and more!
Work alongside our on duty crew members as we pay tribute to Michael Murphy.
Opening Ceremony and First Heat Wave @ 0845
Michael Murphy Medal of Honor Citation Reading
National Anthem
3,2,1, GO!
2nd Heat 10:15
Space will be limited!
Sign up and Happy Training!